Treasure Hunting in the UK
Treasure hunting in the UK is the ultimate metal detecting adventure. Colchester England is the oldest recorded city in England and I am a member of a treasure hunting and metal detecting club based in Colchester. Colchester is the greatest place to treasure hunt in the world with possible "finds" of over 2,000 years old. Our club leases fields from the local farmers that allows us to hunt on their land twice a year right after their harvests and prior to the next plantings. We have over 100 members mostly from the USA and Canada. You can find out more about the club and see some of the club's best finds by visiting the club's website at:
Please check out the "drop down" pages from this "England Finds" page. These are my finds from each of my hunting trips to Colchester. The individual pictures at the top are my better finds. At the bottom of the page are my export papers that show everything I recovered for that particular hunt. Also I've included some live video for fun.