American Civil War 1861-1865
Civil War Relic Hunt #3

September 27-29, 2013. What a great relic/treasure hunt with a great bunch of guys. These 12 guys recovered some fantastic relics including dozens of civil war bullets, 4 confederate buttons, a 1700's spanish silver Reale, a mint 1894 Barber quarter, 2 half dimes (1841 & 1855), Indian Head and Wheatie pennies, a Shield Nickel, a 1773 Virginia Half Penny, a Large Cent, an 1800's keg tap, a rare "Bucks of America" Revolutionary War button and much much more. As I said, just a great great hunt.
Top Row: FloridaChuck, LouisianaSal, TexasTom, MarylandScott, NCQuinn and NCTim.
Middle Row: WashingtonTom, WashingtonGordy and Washington Dave.
Bottom Row: WashingtonJake, FloridaRob and CanadianJimbo.
Top Row: FloridaChuck, LouisianaSal, TexasTom, MarylandScott, NCQuinn and NCTim.
Middle Row: WashingtonTom, WashingtonGordy and Washington Dave.
Bottom Row: WashingtonJake, FloridaRob and CanadianJimbo.

Brass barrel (keg) Tap. Probably 1800's. This particular relic hunt was tough digging as the ground was rock hard. This Tap was nearly a foot down. It took me at least 30 minuts to dig this out as I had to pains takenly chip away at solid hard clay as to not damage the target. I was dreaming about a Confederate Buckle but was still please with this piece of history.